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Bullying in high schools

Bullying is a big problem right now between high school students. Parents being aware about this problem will help us avoid bullying from happening.


Bullying has been a problem since many years ago, before we start we need to know what a bully mans according to the Cambridge dictionary “a bully is  a person who threatens to hurt someone, often forcing that person to do something.” Knowing this it is obvious that bullying is a serious problem.


Bullying can ocurre  in any number of places or locations. Sometimes that place is online or through a cellphone. The purpose of this article is knowing how to prevent bullying and for this we need the help of adults, But sadly there is a disconnection students from high school people’s experience of bullying and what the adults see. Also, adults often don’t know what to do  when they do recognize bullying.


There are diferent things adults can do to help prevent bullying two examples are Teachers  who intervene on students being bullied make a huge difference. Because this way the bully isn’t free to do whatever he wants because he knows that there is someone wachting him. Another for adults to prevent bullying is to talk and encourage children to speak and ask for help when someone or them are getting bullied, and this way children won’t stay quiet and they will help prevent it.


In conclusion bullying is everyone’s problem not just the victim’s and if everyone cooperates and does there part bullying will disappear.




Public Affairs. (2019, December 18). Facts About Bullying. Retrieved from



Ian Machorro

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